International payroll

International payroll administration is not easy. That is because of the many multinational aspects. Salure is aware of the legal obligations, both domestically and abroad.

Dashboard HR analytics

Links with foreign payroll administrators

Salure developed SalureConnect: an smart HR platform. It makes use of links and databases. By linking SalureConnect to the HR system of AFAS, you can find the right information of all employees, nationally and internationally, in one system. This means that the international payroll administration is also properly managed.

SalureConnect converts salaries into one currency, displays information per country, city or branch on a user-friendly dashboard and performs checks. The data flows automatically from AFAS HR to the local payroll provider and back. The local payroll provider performs the payroll as applicable in that country. Salure provides overview and clarity. The payroll administration can be compared and filtered between countries, regions or sectors.

No more errors

Passing on changes is accurate and less prone to errors. You have a better overview of a large number of employees. SalureConnect carries out a number of checks automatically, so differences are immediately visible and the organisation is compliant. SalureConnect merges all data and checks into one dashboard. Our Business Intelligence consultant customises this for you.

The benefits of international payroll administration:

  • One central point of contact;
  • Specific knowledge and experience;
  • Data from your trusted, payroll provider;
  • Checks on payroll administration;
  • Insight with our Business Intelligence platform SalureConnect.

[vc_CallToActionWithImage show_call_to_action=”yes” mode=”white” title_top=”Payroll Brochure” text_top=”International payroll administration is a profession in itself.” text_middle=”For your international payroll, go for the assurance of Salure:” button_text=”Download brochure” pop_up=”#alg_broch_en” image=”14475″ item_1=”Time savings by outsourcing payroll administration;” item_2=”Your administrative processes are always transparent;” item_3=”Scale advantage gives you cost advantage with Salure.” mirror=”right” advanced_settings=”on” top=”0rem” left=”9rem”]

What our customers are saying about us

Click on the pictures and discover the experiences of KFC (Collins Foods), ALDI and Swapfiets:

What our customers have to say

Use your HRM system without borders

Integrate your local payroll providers with your HRM system with SalureConnect.

Standard integration with local payroll providers

Thanks to the standard integration with local payroll processors, exchange rates and Time Registration systems, international processes link up seamlessly.

Manage all data on one platform

Connect your local payroll providers to one international platform. This way, you only have to enter, manage and check employee data in one place.

Make decisions based on real-time data 

Gain insight into all data via user-friendly dashboards. This way, you always have insight into management information on an international level.

Gain insight into your international payroll processing

We support your international payroll with smart software.

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Consultant payroll companies